Blessed Sacrament

Catechetical Ministry


Registration, preparation, and celebration of these sacraments takes place through the parish (not the school) that the child attends. Parents who wish for their children to receive these sacraments must register at the church at the announced times and complete a home-based program. The on-going instruction in the Catholic faith which the children receive in the Catholic School is fundamentals for the immediate sacramental preparation for Reconciliation, Eucharist and Confirmation.



The R.C.I.A. is a process whereby adults are welcomed and received into the Catholic Church. It is offered to individual interested in exploring our faith with the intention of becoming part of our parish community.
This invitation extends also to adults who were baptized in the Catholic Church but were never raised in the faith and have not received the Sacrament of the Eucharist and/or Confirmation. Anyone interested in becoming Catholic and desiring to complete their initiation, should call the parish office at 905-728-2212.


INITIATION OF SCHOOL AGED CHILDREN (7 years to about 14 years)

Children who have not received infant baptism also follow a process of preparing similar to adults. It is invitation for children to hear the Word of God, to reflect and to begin to develop a personal relationship with God as they respond to the mystery of God's love in their lives. For more information, please call the parish office.